Trading on a Budget: Leverage Online Prop Firms for Exceptional Returns
Introduction In this article we’re going to take a look at how traders can leverage prop firms on a budget. In the not too distant past, aspiring traders were required to deposit money into a broker account, and although there were options to do this cheaply by trading micro lots, in order to be able […]
FundedNext – A Trader’s Comprehensive Review
Overview Welcome to our FundedNext Review. Over the past few weeks, I have been trading with FundedNext and looking into every aspect of the service they offer to traders so that I can provide the information you need to decide whether they are the right prop firm for you. FundedNext is based in the United Arab Emirates, […]
Trading High Impact News Events – CPI
FundedNext Rules on Trading the News FundedNext allow traders to trade high impact news releases without any restrictions, and so I thought it would be good to trade the CPI data release. I don’t normally trade around high impact news events, and I’m glad, because the execution time on the trades I took shortly after […]
FundedNext Account Dashboard
FundedNext Account Dashboard Overview The account dashboard is excellent! Along with the basic stats that you would normally expect to see on a prop firm account dashboard, there are detailed analytics and graphs that show information such as symbol performance, PnL by Weekday, PnL by Hours, PnL by Order Type, and Win/Loss ratio. Stats and […]
FundedNext – My Conclusion
Overall Conclusions I like FundedNext. They have a great account dashboard, excellent trading conditions, and good customer support. The firm uses its own backend technology, has its own Metaquotes license, and with its ‘brand promise’ they guarantee fast payouts. The only doubt I have about them is their IP address rules and their apparent eagerness […]
FundedNext IP Address & Copy Trading Rules
Unique IP Address Recommendation FundedNext states that “it is recommended that traders use a single device with a unique IP address during their trading activities on our platform” and “If you travel or move to a different country FundedNext requires a valid document that can verify your physical movement to the new location”. This does […]